Fall 2024 Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Early

Fall 2024 Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Early

Key Details

Fall 2024 Pickleball
Game Day(s)
September 4th to October 16th
7 Weeks
8:30pm - 9:30pm
Rosters Due By
August 29th
Rosters Locked On
September 13th
Bethpage Park Tennis Center
99 Quaker Meeting House Road
Bethpage, 11714
Max Players


Please stay out of the bubble until 8:30 PM, we are unable to enter the bubble until it is time to take the court!

Play Flow: Each week you will be assigned a court based on your ranking on the ladder for your division ex: players ranked 1-5 will play on court 1 vs. players ranked 16-20 will play on court 4 etc. You will play 4 games a night

Gameplay: All matches are self-reffed. The games will be scored to 11 or 12 mins long, whichever comes first. Games do not have to be won by 2 points. At 11 minutes a whistle will be blown and all games not completed will use rally scoring (a point is recorded for every serve) until 1 team reaches 11 points.

ELO is a rating that reflects a team's skill. When you beat a good team, your ELO rating goes up, however when you suffer an upset, your ELO rating goes down. Teams from last season have had their ELO carried forward from their last league. New teams start at the league average ELO. ELO automatically adjusts after every game.

Connect with Us

Whether your looking to land on a team or just want to meet some of your future league mates our sport specific Facebook Groups are a great way to get connected to our LI Kick community before your league begins.

Bethpage Park Tennis Center
Bethpage Park Tennis Center


Alan M.
Alan M.
Alex Z.
Alex Z.
Alisa F.
Alisa F.
Allie C.
Allie C.
Audrey N.
Audrey N.
Chris K.
Chris K.
Chris S.
Chris S.
Christian L.
Christian L.
Cody T.
Cody T.
Courtney C.
Courtney C.
Denise R.
Denise R.
Dom T.
Dom T.
Dorell P.
Dorell P.
Ethan M.
Ethan M.
Gabbi C.
Gabbi C.
Henry N.
Henry N.
Joey R.
Joey R.
Josephine V.
Josephine V.
Justin T.
Justin T.
Kara D
Kara D
Karen C.
Karen C.
Karie K.
Karie K.
Kylie L.
Kylie L.
Laurel F.
Laurel F.
Mahad K.
Mahad K.
Matrona K.
Matrona K.
Matt M.
Matt M.
Matt P.
Matt P.
Michelle A.
Michelle A.
Nancy A.
Nancy A.
Penny P.
Penny P.
Rich P
Rich P
Rob R
Rob R
Rob S.
Rob S.
Rose S.
Rose S.
Sam P.
Sam P.
Scott S.
Scott S.
Shawn P.
Shawn P.
Tina R.
Tina R.
Wes R.
Wes R.


Rank Team Games Played ELO ELO Initial Wins Losses For Against Diff
1. Chris S. 4 1766 1696 4 0 44 22 22
2. Ethan M. 4 1601 1610 2 2 38 29 9
3. Rob S. 4 1541 1520 2 2 28 32 -4
4. Dom T. 4 1511 1562 1 3 27 35 -8
5. Chris K. 4 1498 1504 3 1 37 25 12
6. Rich P 4 1484 1515 1 3 23 42 -19
7. Alan M. 4 1352 1349 2 2 32 31 1
8. Matrona K. 4 1324 1237 3 1 36 25 11
9. Justin T. 4 1313 1309 2 2 33 29 4
10. Scott S. 4 1276 1235 3 1 40 22 18
11. Cody T. 4 1230 1151 3 1 39 27 12
12. Kylie L. 4 1224 1227 2 2 31 31 0
13. Henry N. 4 1208 1087 4 0 44 16 28
14. Matt P. 4 1198 1205 2 2 27 34 -7
15. Alisa F. 4 1155 1243 0 4 16 44 -28
16. Dorell P. 4 1130 1143 2 2 30 30 0
17. Allie C. 4 1121 1129 2 2 30 26 4
18. Wes R. 4 1087 1022 3 1 36 18 18
19. Audrey N. 4 1086 1196 0 4 21 44 -23
20. Kara D 4 1055 1055 2 2 30 31 -1
21. Courtney C. 4 1052 1004 3 1 34 20 14
22. Laurel F. 4 1050 970 3 1 39 23 16
23. Gabbi C. 4 1045 993 3 1 33 21 12
24. Karen C. 4 1045 1095 1 3 26 36 -10
25. Matt M. 4 1043 1093 1 3 18 40 -22
26. Mahad K. 4 1038 993 3 1 41 27 14
27. Sam P. 4 1033 973 3 1 39 27 12
28. Nancy A. - 1019 1019 - - - - -
29. Joey R. 4 1018 1012 2 2 31 23 8
30. Josephine V. 4 1004 1084 1 3 15 41 -26
31. Christian L. - 993 993 - - - - -
32. Rob R 4 988 916 4 0 44 18 26
33. Alex Z. 4 982 993 2 2 30 36 -6
34. Tina R. 4 976 1041 1 3 26 33 -7
35. Shawn P. 4 956 947 2 2 32 32 0
36. Karie K. 4 887 993 0 4 10 44 -34
37. Denise R. 4 844 947 0 4 24 44 -20
38. Rose S. 4 817 830 2 2 34 29 5
39. Mindy 4 771 852 1 3 34 35 -1
40. Penny P. 4 679 623 2 2 28 39 -11
41. Michelle A. 4 653 687 1 3 20 39 -19


Week 1 September 4th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season Dom T. 4
Prev ELO: 1562 Cur ELO: 1550 -12
Rob S.
Prev ELO: 1520 Cur ELO: 1508 -12
Chris S. 11
Prev ELO: 1696 Cur ELO: 1708 +12
Ethan M.
Prev ELO: 1610 Cur ELO: 1622 +12
Court 1 Game 2 Regular Season Rob S. 2
Prev ELO: 1508 Cur ELO: 1496 -12
Rich P
Prev ELO: 1515 Cur ELO: 1503 -12
Chris S. 11
Prev ELO: 1708 Cur ELO: 1720 +12
Dom T.
Prev ELO: 1550 Cur ELO: 1562 +12
Court 1 Game 3 Regular Season Ethan M. 9
Prev ELO: 1622 Cur ELO: 1596 -26
Dom T.
Prev ELO: 1562 Cur ELO: 1536 -26
Chris S. 11
Prev ELO: 1720 Cur ELO: 1746 +26
Rich P
Prev ELO: 1503 Cur ELO: 1529 +26
Court 1 Game 4 Regular Season Ethan M. 7
Prev ELO: 1596 Cur ELO: 1576 -20
Rich P
Prev ELO: 1529 Cur ELO: 1509 -20
Chris S. 11
Prev ELO: 1746 Cur ELO: 1766 +20
Rob S.
Prev ELO: 1496 Cur ELO: 1516 +20
Court 1 Game 5 Regular Season Ethan M. 11
Prev ELO: 1576 Cur ELO: 1601 +25
Rob S.
Prev ELO: 1516 Cur ELO: 1541 +25
Dom T. 3
Prev ELO: 1536 Cur ELO: 1511 -25
Rich P
Prev ELO: 1509 Cur ELO: 1484 -25
Court 2 Game 1 Regular Season Justin T. 5
Prev ELO: 1309 Cur ELO: 1300 -9
Alisa F.
Prev ELO: 1243 Cur ELO: 1234 -9
Chris K. 11
Prev ELO: 1504 Cur ELO: 1513 +9
Alan M.
Prev ELO: 1349 Cur ELO: 1358 +9
Court 2 Game 2 Regular Season Alisa F. 3
Prev ELO: 1234 Cur ELO: 1227 -7
Matrona K.
Prev ELO: 1237 Cur ELO: 1230 -7
Chris K. 11
Prev ELO: 1513 Cur ELO: 1520 +7
Justin T.
Prev ELO: 1300 Cur ELO: 1307 +7
Court 2 Game 3 Regular Season Alan M. 6
Prev ELO: 1358 Cur ELO: 1336 -22
Justin T.
Prev ELO: 1307 Cur ELO: 1285 -22
Chris K. 11
Prev ELO: 1520 Cur ELO: 1542 +22
Matrona K.
Prev ELO: 1230 Cur ELO: 1252 +22
Court 2 Game 4 Regular Season Alan M. 11
Prev ELO: 1336 Cur ELO: 1380 +44
Matrona K.
Prev ELO: 1252 Cur ELO: 1296 +44
Chris K. 4
Prev ELO: 1542 Cur ELO: 1498 -44
Alisa F.
Prev ELO: 1227 Cur ELO: 1183 -44
Court 2 Game 5 Regular Season Alan M. 4
Prev ELO: 1380 Cur ELO: 1352 -28
Alisa F.
Prev ELO: 1183 Cur ELO: 1155 -28
Justin T. 11
Prev ELO: 1285 Cur ELO: 1313 +28
Matrona K.
Prev ELO: 1296 Cur ELO: 1324 +28
Court 3 Game 1 Regular Season Matt P. 2
Prev ELO: 1205 Cur ELO: 1181 -24
Audrey N.
Prev ELO: 1196 Cur ELO: 1172 -24
Scott S. 11
Prev ELO: 1235 Cur ELO: 1259 +24
Kylie L.
Prev ELO: 1227 Cur ELO: 1251 +24
Court 3 Game 2 Regular Season Audrey N. 6
Prev ELO: 1172 Cur ELO: 1152 -20
Cody T.
Prev ELO: 1151 Cur ELO: 1131 -20
Scott S. 11
Prev ELO: 1259 Cur ELO: 1279 +20
Matt P.
Prev ELO: 1181 Cur ELO: 1201 +20
Court 3 Game 3 Regular Season Kylie L. 3
Prev ELO: 1251 Cur ELO: 1218 -33
Matt P.
Prev ELO: 1201 Cur ELO: 1168 -33
Scott S. 11
Prev ELO: 1279 Cur ELO: 1312 +33
Cody T.
Prev ELO: 1131 Cur ELO: 1164 +33
Court 3 Game 4 Regular Season Kylie L. 11
Prev ELO: 1218 Cur ELO: 1254 +36
Cody T.
Prev ELO: 1164 Cur ELO: 1200 +36
Scott S. 7
Prev ELO: 1312 Cur ELO: 1276 -36
Audrey N.
Prev ELO: 1152 Cur ELO: 1116 -36
Court 3 Game 5 Regular Season Kylie L. 6
Prev ELO: 1254 Cur ELO: 1224 -30
Audrey N.
Prev ELO: 1116 Cur ELO: 1086 -30
Matt P. 11
Prev ELO: 1168 Cur ELO: 1198 +30
Cody T.
Prev ELO: 1200 Cur ELO: 1230 +30
Court 4 Game 1 Regular Season Matt M. 11
Prev ELO: 1093 Cur ELO: 1127 +34
Henry N.
Prev ELO: 1087 Cur ELO: 1121 +34
Dorell P. 7
Prev ELO: 1143 Cur ELO: 1109 -34
Karen C.
Prev ELO: 1095 Cur ELO: 1061 -34
Court 4 Game 2 Regular Season Henry N. 11
Prev ELO: 1121 Cur ELO: 1149 +28
Allie C.
Prev ELO: 1129 Cur ELO: 1157 +28
Dorell P. 1
Prev ELO: 1109 Cur ELO: 1081 -28
Matt M.
Prev ELO: 1127 Cur ELO: 1099 -28
Court 4 Game 3 Regular Season Karen C. 3
Prev ELO: 1061 Cur ELO: 1038 -23
Matt M.
Prev ELO: 1099 Cur ELO: 1076 -23
Dorell P. 11
Prev ELO: 1081 Cur ELO: 1104 +23
Allie C.
Prev ELO: 1157 Cur ELO: 1180 +23
Court 4 Game 4 Regular Season Karen C. 5
Prev ELO: 1038 Cur ELO: 1012 -26
Allie C.
Prev ELO: 1180 Cur ELO: 1154 -26
Dorell P. 11
Prev ELO: 1104 Cur ELO: 1130 +26
Henry N.
Prev ELO: 1149 Cur ELO: 1175 +26
Court 4 Game 5 Regular Season Karen C. 11
Prev ELO: 1012 Cur ELO: 1045 +33
Henry N.
Prev ELO: 1175 Cur ELO: 1208 +33
Matt M. 3
Prev ELO: 1076 Cur ELO: 1043 -33
Allie C.
Prev ELO: 1154 Cur ELO: 1121 -33
Court 5 Game 1 Regular Season Tina R. 11
Prev ELO: 1041 Cur ELO: 1077 +36
Wes R.
Prev ELO: 1022 Cur ELO: 1058 +36
Josephine V. 0
Prev ELO: 1084 Cur ELO: 1048 -36
Kara D
Prev ELO: 1055 Cur ELO: 1019 -36
Court 5 Game 2 Regular Season Wes R. 11
Prev ELO: 1058 Cur ELO: 1096 +38
Laurel F.
Prev ELO: 970 Cur ELO: 1008 +38
Josephine V. 1
Prev ELO: 1048 Cur ELO: 1010 -38
Tina R.
Prev ELO: 1077 Cur ELO: 1039 -38
Court 5 Game 3 Regular Season Kara D 8
Prev ELO: 1019 Cur ELO: 986 -33
Tina R.
Prev ELO: 1039 Cur ELO: 1006 -33
Josephine V. 11
Prev ELO: 1010 Cur ELO: 1043 +33
Laurel F.
Prev ELO: 1008 Cur ELO: 1041 +33
Court 5 Game 4 Regular Season Kara D 11
Prev ELO: 986 Cur ELO: 1025 +39
Laurel F.
Prev ELO: 1041 Cur ELO: 1080 +39
Wes R. 3
Prev ELO: 1096 Cur ELO: 1057 -39
Josephine V.
Prev ELO: 1043 Cur ELO: 1004 -39
Court 5 Game 5 Regular Season Kara D 11
Prev ELO: 1025 Cur ELO: 1055 +30
Wes R.
Prev ELO: 1057 Cur ELO: 1087 +30
Tina R. 6
Prev ELO: 1006 Cur ELO: 976 -30
Laurel F.
Prev ELO: 1080 Cur ELO: 1050 -30
Court 6 Game 1 Regular Season Gabbi C. 0
Prev ELO: 993 Cur ELO: 966 -27
Karie K.
Prev ELO: 993 Cur ELO: 966 -27
Joey R. 11
Prev ELO: 1012 Cur ELO: 1039 +27
Courtney C.
Prev ELO: 1004 Cur ELO: 1031 +27
Court 6 Game 2 Regular Season Karie K. 1
Prev ELO: 966 Cur ELO: 937 -29
Courtney C.
Prev ELO: 1031 Cur ELO: 1002 -29
Joey R. 11
Prev ELO: 1039 Cur ELO: 1068 +29
Gabbi C.
Prev ELO: 966 Cur ELO: 995 +29
Court 6 Game 3 Regular Season Courtney C. 11
Prev ELO: 1002 Cur ELO: 1032 +30
Gabbi C.
Prev ELO: 995 Cur ELO: 1025 +30
Joey R. 3
Prev ELO: 1068 Cur ELO: 1038 -30
Karie K.
Prev ELO: 937 Cur ELO: 907 -30
Court 6 Game 4 Regular Season Courtney C. 11
Prev ELO: 1032 Cur ELO: 1052 +20
Gabbi C.
Prev ELO: 1025 Cur ELO: 1045 +20
Joey R. 6
Prev ELO: 1038 Cur ELO: 1018 -20
Karie K.
Prev ELO: 907 Cur ELO: 887 -20
Court 7 Game 1 Regular Season Sam P. 11
Prev ELO: 973 Cur ELO: 1004 +31
Shawn P.
Prev ELO: 947 Cur ELO: 978 +31
Denise R. 4
Prev ELO: 947 Cur ELO: 916 -31
Alex Z.
Prev ELO: 993 Cur ELO: 962 -31
Court 7 Game 2 Regular Season Shawn P. 11
Prev ELO: 978 Cur ELO: 1003 +25
Mahad K.
Prev ELO: 993 Cur ELO: 1018 +25
Denise R. 6
Prev ELO: 916 Cur ELO: 891 -25
Sam P.
Prev ELO: 1004 Cur ELO: 979 -25
Court 7 Game 3 Regular Season Alex Z. 11
Prev ELO: 962 Cur ELO: 989 +27
Sam P.
Prev ELO: 979 Cur ELO: 1006 +27
Denise R. 8
Prev ELO: 891 Cur ELO: 864 -27
Mahad K.
Prev ELO: 1018 Cur ELO: 991 -27
Court 7 Game 4 Regular Season Alex Z. 11
Prev ELO: 989 Cur ELO: 1009 +20
Mahad K.
Prev ELO: 991 Cur ELO: 1011 +20
Shawn P. 6
Prev ELO: 1003 Cur ELO: 983 -20
Denise R.
Prev ELO: 864 Cur ELO: 844 -20
Court 7 Game 5 Regular Season Alex Z. 4
Prev ELO: 1009 Cur ELO: 982 -27
Shawn P.
Prev ELO: 983 Cur ELO: 956 -27
Sam P. 11
Prev ELO: 1006 Cur ELO: 1033 +27
Mahad K.
Prev ELO: 1011 Cur ELO: 1038 +27
Court 8 Game 1 Regular Season Rose S. 2
Prev ELO: 830 Cur ELO: 819 -11
Michelle A.
Prev ELO: 687 Cur ELO: 676 -11
Rob R 11
Prev ELO: 916 Cur ELO: 927 +11
Prev ELO: 852 Cur ELO: 863 +11
Court 8 Game 2 Regular Season Michelle A. 0
Prev ELO: 676 Cur ELO: 672 -4
Penny P.
Prev ELO: 623 Cur ELO: 619 -4
Rob R 11
Prev ELO: 927 Cur ELO: 931 +4
Rose S.
Prev ELO: 819 Cur ELO: 823 +4
Court 8 Game 3 Regular Season Mindy 10
Prev ELO: 863 Cur ELO: 822 -41
Rose S.
Prev ELO: 823 Cur ELO: 782 -41
Rob R 11
Prev ELO: 931 Cur ELO: 972 +41
Penny P.
Prev ELO: 619 Cur ELO: 660 +41
Court 8 Game 4 Regular Season Mindy 6
Prev ELO: 822 Cur ELO: 806 -16
Penny P.
Prev ELO: 660 Cur ELO: 644 -16
Michelle A. 11
Prev ELO: 672 Cur ELO: 688 +16
Rob R
Prev ELO: 972 Cur ELO: 988 +16
Court 8 Game 5 Regular Season Mindy 7
Prev ELO: 806 Cur ELO: 771 -35
Michelle A.
Prev ELO: 688 Cur ELO: 653 -35
Rose S. 11
Prev ELO: 782 Cur ELO: 817 +35
Penny P.
Prev ELO: 644 Cur ELO: 679 +35
Week 2 September 11th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season TBA TBA
Week 3 September 18th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season TBA TBA
Week 4 September 25th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season TBA TBA
Week 5 October 2nd
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season TBA TBA
Week 6 October 9th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Regular Season TBA TBA
Week 7 October 16th
Field Game Game Type
Court 1 Game 1 Playoff TBA TBA

Meet Our Team

Laura Pollicino
LI Kick

Laura Pollicino Director

First Season: Kickball- Spring '13

College: SUNY Oswego

Why I First Joined LI-Kick: My brother started a kickball league and dragged me along for the ride

Advice for New Players: Get Out, Have Fun, Try Something New

Proudest LI-Kick Moment: Winning Sunday Funday championship as a free agent team!

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