New In Town

Complete an application to play for free this Spring

Welcome to "Our Town"

Every night hundreds of people play in LI-Kick's social sports leagues, which have been the catalyst of countless friendships and relationships. We want to help those who are "New in Town" get plugged into the social scene. Read below how you can apply for the change to play for free as a "New in Town" player.

How It Works

Register with LI-Kick

Create a Username and Password.

Register Now

Complete Your Player Profile

We Want to Know a Little About You.

Check Profile

Submit Application

Tell Us About Your "New In Town Story"

Submit Application

Applications are reviewed on the first of every even month
(Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec)

You Might be 'New in Town' if

You've Relocated to Long Island

You've Returned Home from college

You're Recently Single

All Your Friends are Married and Boring

You're Looking for a New Group of Friends

You Want to Take Up a New Hobby