Early Spring 2024 Dodgeball
1 Women Required.
Saturday October 26th
12:00pm - 5:00pm
All Sportz
100 Ruland Rd
Melville, 11747
More Info
Player Movement Log
October Available Players
September Celebrity Players
September Drafted Players
August Celebrity Players
August Available Players
July Celebrity Players
July Available Players
July Draft
July Expansion
June Celebrity Players
June Available Players
May Draft
May Available Players
May Celebrity Players
April Available Players
Semi Pro Constitution
The Semi Pro Constitution provides a framework for the government of Semi Pro. It is the contract between LI-Kick, Franchises and Players. It will create a level playing field, will offering stability and mobility to players. It can only be amended with the approval of 66% of franchises.
Each tournament will have multiple pool play rounds into a single elimination bracket. (10 minute pool play games, 15 minute semi final games, 20 minute championship games). There will be a winner of each tournament. Winners will receive medals and will take home the ‘Semi Pro Belt’ until the next tournament. Teams will carry forward ELO, which will be used to seed pools in subsequent tournaments. Rules will follow USA Dodgeball rules where possible. Franchises have agreed to player their players evenly during pool play and have the option to sit players during playoffs.
These player movement rules ensure the Semi Pro structure is flexible to accommodate our ‘real’ lives. Each tournament will have a supplemental draft to accommodate new players and account for absent players. Ideally franchises know what players are in/out on Monday, the supplemental draft is held on Wednesday before the tournament. Draft orders will be in the reverse order of standings.
· Incoming Players: These are players joining Semi Pro after the initial draft wishing to be permanently drafted onto a franchise.
· Withdrawn Players: Sometimes a player finds themselves on a franchise they don’t vibe with. After attending two consecutive tournaments, a player may withdraw themselves from their franchise and enter the supplemental draft, in hopes of getting picked by a new franchise.
· Dropped Players: A captain may not want an unreliable player taking up a roster spot. If a player no-shows two consecutive tournaments, the captain may issue a drop, and that player will enter the supplemental draft. Additionally, a player can be dropped by their captain if they are determined to be cheating. Captains must designate their drops within 7 days of the previous tournament.
· Guest Player: In the case a franchise does not have enough players to enter a tournament, the players on that franchise that are available may enter the supplemental draft and be picked up as guest players for the tournament.
· Available Player: These players are not part of the supplemental draft. They join a Semi Pro team for one tournament via a direct invite from the franchise. A player can play as an ‘available’ one time only and then must enter Semi Pro as an incoming player if they want to keep playing. Girls exception: If most franchises do not have a full roster of girls, the same girl can be used in multiple tournaments on multiple teams.
· Celebrity Player: Twice per season, a team may exceed any cap to bring in a player from outside of Long Island (excluding the season opener and championship). The Celebrity Player used may only participate in one Semi Pro tournament per season. Celebrity Players must have approval from the commissioner. This is being done to raise the nationwide profile of Semi Pro.
-Teams are allowed to trade with an approval of two-thirds of franchises.
-After the first tournament, the roster cap will increase from 9 to 10
-There is a potential to add expansion franchises based on demand and space.
EXPANSION AMENDMENT (approved 6/26/24)
Each franchise has the ability to cut 1 player without cause after the first, third and fifth tournament. These players are reentered into the draft pool. Cuts after the 3rd tournament must be made by July 2nd.
Expansion Franchise applications are due by July 3rd. A franchise group must be exactly 2m and 2f. Only players in the draft pool are eligible to apply to be the expansion franchise. For players already in Semi Pro- Applications can include players from any combination of existing franchise, Players who submit a franchise application will be automatically removed from their existing franchise, and if not selected for the expansion franchise, these players will enter the supplemental draft. For Players applying from outside Semi Pro- They must pay the $50/person joining fee, If not selected for the expansion franchise, these players will enter the supplemental draft and the joining fee will not be returned. Players can only be on one expansion application.
All players will vote for their preferred expansion franchise between July 4th and 8th, and on July 9th the expansion franchise will be announced.
On July 10th, There will be three rounds of drafts to (re)distribute players. (1) In the Expansion Draft- Each franchise will get to protect up to 6 players, the expansion team will select a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 players from this pool. (2) The Supplemental Draft will replenish rosters for franchises that lost players. It contain several classes of players, all equally eligible to be drafted- General incoming players, players who were cut by their franchise, those who attempted to become the 7th franchise but were not selected. Tthe expansion team will have the first selection of this draft. (3) Roster Cap Draft- Finally, franchises that wish to increase their roster size from 9 to 10 will be able to select players.
Immediately after the draft, players will be notified and the identity of the 7th franchise will be established.
GRAND FINALE AMENDMENT (approved 9/19/24)
Player Movement
The draft going into the second to last tournament (September) is the last draft and last chance for incoming players to join. Only rostered players can be used in the October tournament.
Tournament Schedule
The October Tournament has a seeded schedule to give preference to teams that finish the regular season in the highest position. To create schedule variance, there are only 4 pool play games.
All teams make playoffs and we proceed to a normal single elimination tournament. 1st round of playoffs is 15 minutes, semi are 20 minutes, finals are 25 minutes. The winner of the October tournament will be the winner of Semi Pro and keep the belt. This proposal gives all franchises a reason to be there and a chance to win, while ceding an advantage to the teams who have played the best over the course of the full series. It also is a ‘first over the line’ proposal in which the team who wins October, also wins Semi Pro and does not create a situation where a team might lose October, but still win Semi Pro because of another ranking, and no team’s fate is sealed going in no matter how bad their full series record is.
Q: Is this like Fantasy Sports?