late-fall 2022 Theme Week: Ugly Sweater

It wouldn't be the holidays without some ugly and funny sweaters. Get in the holiday spirit by dressing up (or down) for the occasion.

Winners & Finalists

Dark Horse

Dark Horse

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights


Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights
Holy Split

Holy Split

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights
Hotel Cornifornia

Hotel Cornifornia

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

All Entries

A team has no name
A team has no name

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

After Dinner Dinks
After Dinner Dinks

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Air Mail
Air Mail

Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights

All About Aces
All About Aces

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

An Officer, 2 Gentlemen & a convict
An Officer, 2 Gentlemen & a convict

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights


Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Baggo Babes
Baggo Babes

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Bagtastic Duo
Bagtastic Duo

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Ball Busters
Ball Busters

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Baxta Brew
Baxta Brew

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Beer Goggles FC
Beer Goggles FC

Soccer Glen Cove Thursday Nights

Bowls Deep
Bowls Deep

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Brian K.
Brian K.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights 8:30PM

Britney Spares
Britney Spares

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Bust a Nutmeg
Bust a Nutmeg

Soccer Glen Cove Thursday Nights

Catch Balls, Not Feelings
Catch Balls, Not Feelings

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Children of the Meadow
Children of the Meadow

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Christine G.
Christine G.

Pickleball Glen Head Tuesday Nights

Commack Strikers
Commack Strikers

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Corn Air
Corn Air

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Corn Dawgs
Corn Dawgs

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Corn in the USA
Corn in the USA

Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights

Corn to be Wild
Corn to be Wild

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Corned Beef
Corned Beef

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Corny Chicks
Corny Chicks

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Dark Horse
Dark Horse

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Debbie K
Debbie K

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights 8:30PM

Dill with it
Dill with it

Pickleball Doubles Bethpage Thursday Nights

Dinks On Us
Dinks On Us

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Dirt Bags
Dirt Bags

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Dodge Vipers
Dodge Vipers

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Dolls Crushing Balls
Dolls Crushing Balls

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights


Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Dora-Ann O.
Dora-Ann O.

Pickleball Glen Head Tuesday Nights

Dry Bumpers
Dry Bumpers

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Dylan L.
Dylan L.

Pickleball Glen Head Tuesday Nights

Futbol Not Soccer
Futbol Not Soccer

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Gutter Girls
Gutter Girls

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Half Fast
Half Fast

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Holy Split
Holy Split

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Hotel Cornifornia
Hotel Cornifornia

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

It's all a set up
It's all a set up

Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights

Jessica P.
Jessica P.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights 9:30PM

Keep Bowlin Bowlin' (What?)
Keep Bowlin Bowlin' (What?)

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Kelder's Farm Corn Maze
Kelder's Farm Corn Maze

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Lotion in the Basket
Lotion in the Basket

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Mai Tais...Might Die
Mai Tais...Might Die

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Maized and Confused
Maized and Confused

Advanced Cornhole Bay Shore Thursday Nights

Mark L.
Mark L.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights 9:30PM

Pickle Sisters
Pickle Sisters

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Pickled Tink
Pickled Tink

Pickleball Doubles Bethpage Thursday Nights

Purple Cobras
Purple Cobras

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Registered Sets Offenders
Registered Sets Offenders

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Reppin' The Set
Reppin' The Set

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Saggy Bags 69
Saggy Bags 69

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Santa’s Lil Setters
Santa’s Lil Setters

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Sassy Strikers
Sassy Strikers

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Savage and Average
Savage and Average

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Show me your tips
Show me your tips

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights


Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights

Space Force
Space Force

Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

Spare Me
Spare Me

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Spike killaz
Spike killaz

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Split Ends
Split Ends

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Split Ends
Split Ends

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Splits and Giggles
Splits and Giggles

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Swilphy Team
Swilphy Team

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights


Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Taj Mahballs
Taj Mahballs

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Tammy L.
Tammy L.

Pickleball Glen Head Tuesday Nights

Team Alexa
Team Alexa

Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights


Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Thar She Bowls
Thar She Bowls

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

The Cornhoes
The Cornhoes

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

The Gumdrop Buttons
The Gumdrop Buttons

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

The Kernels
The Kernels

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

The Picklebacks
The Picklebacks

Pickleball Doubles Bethpage Thursday Nights

The Pressure
The Pressure

Pickleball Doubles Bethpage Thursday Nights

Tommy L.
Tommy L.

Pickleball Glen Head Tuesday Nights


Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

United Spare Me
United Spare Me

Bowling Garden City Wednesday Nights

Verdammta Kacke
Verdammta Kacke

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

Vibe Tribe
Vibe Tribe

Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights

Vinny & The Minis
Vinny & The Minis

Beginner Friendly Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights


Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Wade P
Wade P

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights 9:30PM

Who Darted?
Who Darted?

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights


Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights


Pickleball Melville Thursday Nights


Cornhole East Meadow Thursday Nights

the jamo shooters
the jamo shooters

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights


Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights