fall 2023 Theme Week: Team Theme

Get your teams creative juices going -- this seasons teams mix things up by choosing their own theme.

Winners & Finalists

Todd & Kathy

Todd & Kathy

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights
Angelo, Paul and Julio

Angelo, Paul and Julio

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights


Kickball Deer Park Tuesday Nights
IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)

IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

All Entries


Kickball Lake Ronkonkoma Sunday Afternoons

Alley Cats
Alley Cats

Bowling Coram Monday Nights

Amy, Kristen, Maria and Tricia
Amy, Kristen, Maria and Tricia

Cornhole Freeport Thursday Nights

Angelo, Paul and Julio
Angelo, Paul and Julio

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Anthony, Rich, Mike and John
Anthony, Rich, Mike and John

Cornhole Freeport Thursday Nights

Apple Crumb
Apple Crumb

Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights


Kickball Deer Park Tuesday Nights


Volleyball Massapequa Tuesday Nights


Ultimate Frisbee Lake Ronkonkoma Sunday Mornings

Basic Witches
Basic Witches

Kickball Huntington Monday Nights

Bowling in the Deep
Bowling in the Deep

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Bowling with Professionals
Bowling with Professionals

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Kickball Deer Park Wednesday Nights

Buncha Squids
Buncha Squids

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Chris, Evan, Lenny and Trevor
Chris, Evan, Lenny and Trevor

Pickleball Sayville Wednesday Nights

Danielle M.
Danielle M.

Pickleball West Hempstead Thursday Nights

Daverick & Chris
Daverick & Chris

Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights

Emily and Mike
Emily and Mike

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights


Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights

Grace, Izzy, Casey & Andrew
Grace, Izzy, Casey & Andrew

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Gutter Gang
Gutter Gang

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Gutter Gang
Gutter Gang

Bowling Coram Monday Nights

Hannah, Natalie, Jessica, and Paige
Hannah, Natalie, Jessica, and Paige

Pickleball Sayville Wednesday Nights

IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)
IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Island Block Party
Island Block Party

Volleyball Massapequa Tuesday Nights

Jager Bombs
Jager Bombs

Kickball Deer Park Wednesday Nights

Jennifer, Rebz, Ryan and Nicole
Jennifer, Rebz, Ryan and Nicole

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Jessica C.
Jessica C.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Jessica W.
Jessica W.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Jones Beach Clock Munchers
Jones Beach Clock Munchers

Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights

Just for Fun
Just for Fun

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Kaitlin, Alexis, Pam, and Kristyn
Kaitlin, Alexis, Pam, and Kristyn

Cornhole Freeport Thursday Nights

Karen C.
Karen C.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Kick of Destiny
Kick of Destiny

Kickball Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

Kicks Are for Kids
Kicks Are for Kids

Kickball Huntington Monday Nights

Liam & Keshav
Liam & Keshav

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Liz, Debbie, Susan and Penny
Liz, Debbie, Susan and Penny

Cornhole Freeport Thursday Nights

Lucky strikes
Lucky strikes

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Mai Tais...
Mai Tais...

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Man Down 3.0
Man Down 3.0

Kickball Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

Mary Beth, Nisha, Diane and Terrilyn
Mary Beth, Nisha, Diane and Terrilyn

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Meaghan, John and Frankie
Meaghan, John and Frankie

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Meghan G.
Meghan G.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Melanie B
Melanie B

Pickleball West Hempstead Thursday Nights

Mia I
Mia I

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Mike, Katie, Bryan and Patricia
Mike, Katie, Bryan and Patricia

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Pam and John
Pam and John

Pickleball Jericho Tuesday Nights

Pelotas Calientes
Pelotas Calientes

Kickball Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

Pin Pals
Pin Pals

Bowling Coram Monday Nights

Pink Panthers
Pink Panthers

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice
Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Pumpkin Strike Latte
Pumpkin Strike Latte

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Pupusas Revueltas
Pupusas Revueltas

Kickball Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

Rollin with the Homies
Rollin with the Homies

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Rum Around the Mile
Rum Around the Mile

Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights


Kickball Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

Shawn, Linda & Matrona
Shawn, Linda & Matrona

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights


Ultimate Frisbee Lake Ronkonkoma Sunday Mornings

Smashing Pumpkins
Smashing Pumpkins

Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights

Solo de bolos
Solo de bolos

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Spare Me
Spare Me

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Split Ends
Split Ends

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Stephen, Laura, Dave & Peggy
Stephen, Laura, Dave & Peggy

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Strike Force
Strike Force

Bowling Coram Monday Nights

Sweaty Ballz
Sweaty Ballz

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Take Me Home Tonight
Take Me Home Tonight

Kickball Deer Park Tuesday Nights

Thar She Bowls
Thar She Bowls

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

The Boo Crew
The Boo Crew

Kickball Deer Park Wednesday Nights

The Honey Pack
The Honey Pack

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

The Rat Chefs
The Rat Chefs

Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights

The Unlucky spares
The Unlucky spares

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Todd & Kathy
Todd & Kathy

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights


Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Vanilla Chai
Vanilla Chai

Kickball Freeport Thursday Nights

Victor, Melinda, Lou & Katie
Victor, Melinda, Lou & Katie

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Watch the Wheels
Watch the Wheels

Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights