late-fall 2023 Theme Week: Ugly Sweater

It wouldn't be the holidays without some ugly and funny sweaters. Get in the holiday spirit by dressing up (or down) for the occasion.

Winners & Finalists

Holy Split

Holy Split

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights


Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights
Different decades

Different decades

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights
Rollin with the homies

Rollin with the homies

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

All Entries

2 Year Renegades
2 Year Renegades

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Air Mail 2.0
Air Mail 2.0

Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights

Allie C.
Allie C.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Amanda I.
Amanda I.

Pickleball Glenwood Landing Monday Nights


Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights

Bag em and Tag em
Bag em and Tag em

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights

Balls to the Wall
Balls to the Wall

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Banana Bandits
Banana Bandits

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Beer Goggles FC
Beer Goggles FC

Soccer Glen Cove Tuesday and Wednesday Nights

Better Off Blind
Better Off Blind

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights

Big Dig Energy
Big Dig Energy

Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights

Big Dill
Big Dill

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Big Shots
Big Shots

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights


Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Bounce Bounce!
Bounce Bounce!

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Bowling Stones
Bowling Stones

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Bowling with Professionals
Bowling with Professionals

Bowling Coram Tuesday Nights

Bowls Deep
Bowls Deep

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Britney Spares
Britney Spares

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Bustin' Balls
Bustin' Balls

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Butterball Bumpers
Butterball Bumpers

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Candy Corns
Candy Corns

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights

Children of the meadow
Children of the meadow

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Chris & Patti
Chris & Patti

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

Chris B.
Chris B.

Pickleball Glenwood Landing Monday Nights

Cobra Kai
Cobra Kai

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Corn Crushers
Corn Crushers

Cornhole Bay Shore Wednesday Nights

Corn Stars
Corn Stars

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights


Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights


Cornhole Bay Shore Tuesday Nights


Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Cozy Cardigan Crew
Cozy Cardigan Crew

Volleyball Massapequa Thursday Nights

Danielle F.
Danielle F.

Pickleball Queens Village Thursday Nights

Danielle M.
Danielle M.

Pickleball Queens Village Thursday Nights

Dean R.
Dean R.

Pickleball Glenwood Landing Monday Nights

Debbie V.
Debbie V.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Different decades
Different decades

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Dills and Dames
Dills and Dames

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Mixed Doubles

Dinks to Aces
Dinks to Aces

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Domain Expansion
Domain Expansion

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Dusky Balls
Dusky Balls

Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights


Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights


Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Existential Dread
Existential Dread

Bowling Coram Tuesday Nights

Feast Mode
Feast Mode

Bowling Coram Tuesday Nights

Fire starters
Fire starters

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Fowl Play
Fowl Play

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Genes Gals
Genes Gals

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights

Globo gym
Globo gym

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Gravy Gliders
Gravy Gliders

Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights


Soccer Glen Cove Tuesday and Wednesday Nights

Holy Blockamole!
Holy Blockamole!

Volleyball Melville Tuesday Nights

Holy Split
Holy Split

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

In The Pocket
In The Pocket

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights


Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Jessica C.
Jessica C.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Jessica W.
Jessica W.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Joe Q's Team
Joe Q's Team

Kickball Draft Glen Cove Tuesday Nights

John's Angels
John's Angels

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Jon, Tiff & Brett
Jon, Tiff & Brett

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

Just for fun
Just for fun

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Kara D
Kara D

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Karen C.
Karen C.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Karen M.
Karen M.

Pickleball Sayville Tuesday Nights

Laughter Saves Lives
Laughter Saves Lives

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Laura P
Laura P

Pickleball Sayville Tuesday Nights

Lisa O.
Lisa O.

Pickleball Queens Village Thursday Nights

Little Pickles
Little Pickles

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Lucy & Desi
Lucy & Desi

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Mai Tais...
Mai Tais...

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

McKraken's Crew
McKraken's Crew

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Meghan M.
Meghan M.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Melanie B
Melanie B

Pickleball Queens Village Thursday Nights

Melanie B
Melanie B

Pickleball Glenwood Landing Monday Nights

Mia I.
Mia I.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Mindy D.
Mindy D.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Nancy A.
Nancy A.

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Women Only

Nicole V.
Nicole V.

Pickleball Queens Village Thursday Nights

No Etiquette
No Etiquette

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights


Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Over the Top
Over the Top

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights

Pack of Powers
Pack of Powers

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights

Peanut Gang
Peanut Gang

Dodgeball Massapequa Monday Nights

Red Hot Pickle Peppers
Red Hot Pickle Peppers

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Rhonda L.
Rhonda L.

Pickleball Sayville Tuesday Nights

Rollin with the homies
Rollin with the homies

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights


Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Sherry C.
Sherry C.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Earlier Session

Shomer Shabbos
Shomer Shabbos

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Show me your tips
Show me your tips

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights

Split Ends
Split Ends

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Splits & Giggles
Splits & Giggles

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

Steve R.
Steve R.

Pickleball Bethpage Wednesday Nights Later Session

Stick a sack in it
Stick a sack in it

Cornhole Bay Shore Thursday Nights

SupplyHouse Strikers
SupplyHouse Strikers

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Sweaty Ballz
Sweaty Ballz

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

Sweet corn
Sweet corn

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights

Tara C.
Tara C.

Pickleball Sayville Tuesday Nights

Team Boo Boo
Team Boo Boo

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

The Bowling Bunch
The Bowling Bunch

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

The Butterballs
The Butterballs

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

The Corn Beef Awakens
The Corn Beef Awakens

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

The Cornvengers
The Cornvengers

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights

Darts Bay Shore Thursday Nights

The FOS Club
The FOS Club

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

The Great Cornholios
The Great Cornholios

Cornhole Patchogue Monday Nights

The Muertos Sugar Skulls
The Muertos Sugar Skulls

European Handball Glen Cove Thursday Nights

The Perky Turkeys
The Perky Turkeys

Bowling Coram Tuesday Nights

The Picklebacks
The Picklebacks

Pickleball Bethpage Thursday Nights Mixed Doubles

The Pin Heads
The Pin Heads

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

The Real Dill
The Real Dill

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

The RockLeo’s
The RockLeo’s

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

The Y-Nots
The Y-Nots

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

Tom M.
Tom M.

Pickleball Sayville Tuesday Nights

Tropickle Thunder
Tropickle Thunder

Pickleball Sayville Wednesday Nights

Twisted Pickles
Twisted Pickles

Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Vibe Tribe
Vibe Tribe

Volleyball Massapequa Wednesday Nights


Pickleball Melville Monday Nights

Wack Attack
Wack Attack

Pickleball Sayville Monday Nights

Water Sort Puzzle
Water Sort Puzzle

Bowling Melville Tuesday Nights

We Like to Smash
We Like to Smash

Pickleball Sayville Wednesday Nights

Wexford Warriors
Wexford Warriors

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights

We’ve Got the Juice
We’ve Got the Juice

Cornhole Oceanside Tuesday Nights

Whatever Tickles Your Pickle
Whatever Tickles Your Pickle

Pickleball Bethpage Monday Nights

Who U Callin Pinhead
Who U Callin Pinhead

Bowling East Meadow Wednesday Nights

give ‘em the pickle
give ‘em the pickle

Pickleball Jericho Tuesday Nights

lucky strikes
lucky strikes

Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

sippin large
sippin large

Cornhole Bay Shore Monday Nights