Splits and Giggles

Summer '21 Bowling - Garden City

Splits and Giggles

Summer '21 Bowling - Garden City

Key Details

Splits and Giggles
Splits and Giggles
First Season
Late Fall 2018 Wednesdays at AMF Garden City Lanes
Latest Season
Summer 2021 Wednesdays at AMF Garden City Lanes
Seasons Played
Games Played
View League


Team Games Played
Splits and Giggles 12

Player Standings

Player Gender Games Total Pins Avg Std. Dev. High Scoring Games Non-Scoring Games Points Earned Points Lost First Half Average Second Half Average Delta
Katie S. F 14 2126 151.86 17.22 179 10 4 7 3 151.33 152.25 0.92
Sue F. F 12 1836 153.00 21.02 192 7 5 3.5 3.5 150.83 155.17 4.34
Kenneth B. M 14 1778 127.00 20.76 177 1 13 0 1 135.83 120.38 -15.45
Jason R. M 8 1638 204.75 19.40 239 8 0 6 2 210.00 199.50 -10.50
Sal F. M 12 1571 130.92 24.02 167 5 7 2 3 125.33 136.50 11.17
Stephanie R. F 10 1300 130.00 18.80 164 3 7 3 0 128.50 132.25 3.75
Team Wide 70 10249 146.41 239
Men 34 4987 146.68 239
Women 36 5262 146.17 192

Player Scores

Player Gender 07/07/2021 07/14/2021 07/21/2021 07/28/2021 08/04/2021 08/11/2021 08/18/2021
Stephanie R. F 133/104 106/138 126/164 159/125 117/128
Kenneth B. M 112/142 177/139 113/132 142/106 107/143 128/123 124/90
Katie S. F 142/158 124/164 155/165 150/134 123/167 140/148 179/177
Sal F. M 121/100 147/149 124/111 82/130 163/167 138/139
Sue F. F 125/146 192/123 182/137 143/167 168/147 167/139
Jason R. M 214/194 239/193 170/197 216/215

Historical Standings