Grip it and Rip it!

Early Spring 2022 Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Grip it and Rip it!

Early Spring 2022 Bowling Sayville Thursday Nights

Key Details

Grip it and Rip it!
Grip it and Rip it!
First Season
Early Spring 2022 Thursdays at Bowlero Sayville Lanes
Latest Season
Winter 2023 Thursdays at Bowlero Sayville Lanes
Seasons Played
Games Played
View League


Team Games Played Group Points Team Avg Bingo Wins
Grip it and Rip it! 14 Gutter 33.5 140 0

Player Standings

Player Gender Games Total Pins Avg Std. Dev. High Scoring Games Non-Scoring Games Points Earned Points Lost First Half Average Second Half Average Delta
Drew H. M 13 2242 172.46 21.30 222 13 0 7.5 5.5 160.83 182.43 21.60
Catie H. F 14 1728 123.43 20.35 159 4 10 1 3 117.83 127.63 9.80
Bill J. M 13 1575 121.15 25.18 168 10 3 5 5 124.17 118.57 -5.60
Oscar C. M 11 1471 133.73 23.90 175 8 3 5 3 137.50 131.57 -5.93
Laura H. F 12 1234 102.83 13.95 129 1 11 1 0 102.17 103.50 1.33
Rich M. M 8 865 108.13 18.48 129 2 6 1 1 112.75 103.50 -9.25
Team Wide 71 9115 128.38 222
Men 45 6153 136.73 222
Women 26 2962 113.92 159

Player Scores

Player Gender 03/03/2022 03/10/2022 03/17/2022 03/24/2022 03/31/2022 04/07/2022 04/14/2022
Bill J. M 131/168 69/148 117/112 112/86 115/131 151/113 0/122
Catie H. F 128/104 112/137 88/138 155/147 105/116 120/111 159/108
Oscar C. M 128/111 136/175 93/136 110/171 152/134 0/125
Drew H. M 148/187 172/145 168/145 173/167 158/222 187/198 0/172
Laura H. F 96/103 110/94 81/129 93/128 101/92 95/112 0
Rich M. M 119/105 105/122 87/129 73/125 0/0 0

Historical Standings